Marathonbet is one of the world’s largest independent bookmakers, operating in 17 countries and one of the top 3 gambling brands in CIS.
Marathonbet asked Tomorrow to create a new brand identity that would easily translate across all regions. The key function was for the creative to unite all territories and with a single identity whilst enabling the internal teams to recreate assets at speed.
We developed “The Marathonbet wheel”. Utilising the existing brand colour pallet, so as not to deviate from the current global identity, the studio team created a wheel of colour segments from which any asset background could be created. Any internal creative team members could access this wheel and move their canvas to wherever they wanted on the wheel, in order to create a bold, identifiable and unique background. The crucial element was that each of these assets would create a new and different framework but utilise the brand identity to do so.
The team at Marathonbet loved the idea and were fast to implement this alongside their new position statement. “Better Odds Mean Bigger Winnings” defined Marathonbet as the bookmaker of choice for the price savvy punter and in doing the brand was able to implement a new global strategy alongside the backdrop of a unified brand identity:
Consolidation of sponsorship assets and a new identity on Premier League perimeter boards
Unified digital comms
Improved CRM delivery, speed and customer engagements
Revamped social assets
Across all formats the team at Tomorrow delivered on a challenging brief amidst a challenging regulatory environment. Marathonbet acquired two new global sponsorship partnerships with Manchester City and Real Madrid and the work the team had completed on amalgamating the global assets helped to provide an identifiable through-the-line campaign that delivered significant improvements to customer engagements
What our clients are saying…
Through a competitive pitch process we selected the team at Tomorrow to create our new brand assets as a result of the flexibility of their solution. “The wheel” helped unify all creative teams and develop a single reference point for all jurisdictions to build assets, quickly. We were hugely impressed with the team at Tomorrow. Their speed, quality of work and understanding of the gambling space ensured we delivered on a collaborative brief that helped solve our creative templates globally.
Dan Towse, Head of Brand at Marathonbet